Forthcoming Events

Events at Hub

Whats coming over the next few months.
Saturday 11th May - Rewilding Evening - Doors open 7.00pm - Book in advance at
Friday 23rd August - Community Film Festival - Stone of Destiny + Secret Movie + talk & finger buffett - £5pp entry - Doors open 7.00pm - Booking required
Saturday 24th August - Community Film Festival - Stone of Destiny + Crofter Boy+ talk & finger buffet - £5pp entry - Doors open 2.00pm - Booking required
Saturday 31st August - Cheese n Wine Experience - Places limited - £30pp entry - sample 5 wines and cheeses - Doors open 6.30pm - Booking required
Saturday 7th September - Military Wives Choir Inverness - An afternoon of music and singing £15pp entry Doors open 2.00pm - Booking required
Saturday 30th November - St Andrews Whisky Tasing Experience - Places limited - £30pp entry - Doors open 6.30pm - Booking required